Get Molecular Testing - Canada
As of July 1st, 2024, patients living with cholangiocarcinoma that reside outside of Ontario and Quebec will be able to access molecular testing from OncoHelix Labs, in partnership with the C3. OncoHelix-C3 molecular testing will use the 170 gene CGP "OncoHelix-2" panel, which can detect FGFR2 fusions and other DNA/RNA biomarkers (see below for full list).
Patients and treating physicians will receive a complete clinical report of Tier I (variants of strong clinical significance) and Tier II (variants of potential clinical significance) alterations in DNA and RNA biomarkers.
Important information:
Patients must be a "C3 Member"
Please ask your patients to Join the C3 by going to
​The OncoHelix-C3​ test requisition form should be submitted to
Sample and Pathology details are on Page 2
Biopsy brushings are accepted and will undergo OncoHelix's standard Quality Control tests to ensure suitability for molecular testing.
If you are submitting brushings, please check "Other" and specify.
Links for OncoHelix x C3:
For molecular testing requests from Alberta, please contact the first before submitting a test requisition form.
Contact and Assistance Information:
*OncoHelix Labs is accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) and performs all testing to CPSA Standards